Head Start Preschool
Registration Information

Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2025/2026 school year. Please review the following information before filling out the online application below.

Enrollment is open to families who:

  • Live in West Haven
  • Have a child/children between the ages of 3-5
  • Must meet Federal Income Eligiblity Guidelines. Click here to find out if you meet the guidelines
  • Children, ages 3-5, from West Haven families receiving public assistance, such as TANF, SNAP or SSI, are eligible regardless of income.
  • Or have a child of the required age with special needs

Head Start Highlights:

  • Free part-day program for 3-5 year olds, sliding scale fee for full day to eligible West Haven families who meet income guidelines
  • Free family support services and activities
  • Free health and developmental screenings
  • Services provided to children with special needs
  • Care 4 Kids Certificates accepted
  • Professionally trained staff

Important Documents to Provide:

Upon completion of this online application, copies of the following documents are required to complete your enrollment. Please make sure your child’s name is on every document you submit.

  • Your Child’s Birth Certificate
  • Your child’s dental, physical examination and immunization records
  • Current two proofs of West Haven residency (example): Utility bill, Mortgage or Rent Receipt
  • Current proof of income (choose one): 2023 tax return or W2, or most recent paystubs (4 current paystubs if paid weekly or two paystubs if paid bi-weekly), Social Security benefit letter, TANF cash assistance benefit letter, SNAP Card or benefits letter or Unemployment benefit letter.
  • Current Proof of Income – 2024 Tax Return or W2

Submit Documents:

Apply Online (English)
Parents/Guardians who knowingly provide false information in their application will be required to resubmit an application with correct information. If the family is determined to not be eligible for the program, the family will lose their placement in the program and or waitlist.
Apply Online (Spanish)
Los padres/tutores que a sabiendas proporcionen información falsa en su solicitud deberán volver a enviar una solicitud con la información correcta. Si se determina que la familia no es elegible para el programa, la familia perderá su cupo en el programa o en la lista de espera.

We look forward to seeing you in our fall classes.